// -- Generic functions -------------------------------------------------- function $(id) { return document.getElementById(id); } // used for the markets stock symbol look up form function checkSymbolForm(){ //var obj = document.lookitup.symb; var obj = $("mt_stock_quote_lookup"); if (obj.value == ""){ alert("Please enter a valid stock ticker symbol"); obj.focus(); return false; } else { return true; } } // generic popup window function pop_me_up(pURL,name,features){ new_window = window.open(pURL,name,features); new_window.focus(); } // open form submission in popup window function form2pop(formID, w, h) { var myForm = document.getElementById(formID); var attribStr = 'width=' + w + ',height=' + h; var popup = window.open(myForm.action, myForm.target, attribStr); myForm.submit(); } // google ---------------------------------------------------------------- // Displays the google ad results. function google_ad_request_done(google_ads) { // Proceed only if we have ads to display! if (google_ads.length == 0){ return; // only display text ads } else { var str = '
\n'; str += '
Ads by Google
\n'; var textstyle = ""; if (google_ads[0].bidtype == "cpm"){ textstyle = "text2_google_cpm"; } else { textstyle = "text2_google"; } // For text ads, display each ad in turn. if (google_ads[0].type == 'text') { for (var i = 0; i < google_ads.length; i++) { str += '
\n'; str += '\t\n'; str += '\t
' + google_ads[i].line2 + ' ' + google_ads[i].line3 + '
\n'; str += '\t
' + google_ads[i].visible_url + '
\n'; str += '
\n'; } } str += '
\n'; document.write(str); } } // text resize functions ------------------------------------------------- var currentTextSize = null; var currentLineHeight = null; // check for cookie if (get_text_cookie("ihtfontsize")) { currentTextSize = parseInt(get_text_cookie("ihtfontsize")); } else { currentTextSize = 13; createCookie("ihtfontsize",currentTextSize,1000); } currentLineHeight = currentTextSize + 5; // creates a cookie with the given parameters function createCookie(name,value,days){ if (days){ var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime() + (days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); var expires = "; expires=" + date.toGMTString(); } else { var expires = ""; } document.cookie = name + "=" + value + expires + "; path=/"; } function textSize(dir) { if (dir == 'up') { if (currentTextSize <= 17) { currentTextSize += 2; } } else if (dir == 'down') { if (currentTextSize >= 11) { currentTextSize -= 2; } } currentLineHeight = currentTextSize + 5; document.getElementById('bodyText').style.fontSize = currentTextSize + 'px'; document.getElementById('bodyText').style.lineHeight = currentLineHeight + 'px'; // write/rewrite cookie createCookie("ihtfontsize",currentTextSize,1000); } function get_text_cookie ( cookie_name ) { var results = document.cookie.match ( cookie_name + '=(.*?)(;|$)' ); if ( results ) { return ( unescape ( results[1] ) ); } else { return null; } } // -- Window onload functions -------------------------------------------- /************************************************************* * The woms array holds all of the functions you wish to run * when the page loads. *************************************************************/ var woms = new Array(); /************************************************************* * The womOn() function will set the window.onload function to * be womGo() which will run all of your window.onload * functions. *************************************************************/ function womOn(){ window.onload = womGo; } /************************************************************* * The womGo() function loops through the woms array and * runs each function in the array. *************************************************************/ function womGo(){ if ((woms.length != 0 ) && (woms.length != null)) { for(var i = 0;i < woms.length;i++) eval(woms[i]); } } /************************************************************* * The womAdd() function will add another function to the woms * array to be run when the page loads. *************************************************************/ function womAdd(func){ woms[woms.length] = func; }