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Support the foreshore and seabed hikoi
Thank you to everyone who supported the hikoi

7 May 2004

Kia ora,

this message is to thank each and everyone of you who supported the foreshore and seabed hikoi. There were so many people who helped out in so many ways, from sending donations and messages of support from around the country; to the organising group here in Wellington, the marshals, kai and sandwich teams, those who donated food for the people from out of town, provided accommodation, transport and more.

We have received a considerable number of phone and email messages since Wednesday from Pakeha who joined the hikoi in Wellington - the quote below is from one message from an elderly Peace Movement Aotearoa member who was there, and is included here because it sums up the feelings articulated in all of the messages:

"This Hikoi was such an amazing experience. It was a privilege to be there. To be treated with such courtesy and friendliness by the many Maori we met and spoke to was really great."

On Wednesday there was so much aroha from the tangata whenua who came to Wellington, despite the anger and sorrow at what is being done. Yesterday at parliament was very sad - the crowd outside was listening to the debate and vote on the Foreshore and Seabed Bill and many were crying.

Pakeha / Tauiwi sign-on statement on the foreshore and seabed

Thank you to everyone who signed the statement. It was delivered as an Open Letter to the MPs on Tuesday - a paper copy went to each with the details of the 576 people who had signed on to it by 3 May. We are continuing to receive messages from people wanting to sign the statement and have decided to keep it open for signature, with the details of people who signed on after 3 May being added to the web page - if you would like to add your name, the statement is online at together with details of how to sign on.

Foreshore and seabed information   |   'Race', Privilege', and 'The Treaty'